The Root Of Our Health
The Root Of Our Health with Elizabeth was born out of a need to educate and inspire the world in living a healthy life mentally, physically and emotionally by using alternative methods for prevention and healing. A combination of solo episodes and highly trustworthy professional guests who have been curated to bring extensive knowledge in science, results oriented methods and their own health journey. This podcast is for those in midlife and beyond who want to prevent age-related diseases or help to understand how to reverse conditions, and bust their mental wellbeing by getting to the root cause once and for all! Elizabeth is a Board Certified Health And Wellness Coach, a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach and an Employee Wellness Coach. She has her own health coaching business Functional Health Coaching with Elizabeth guiding clients over forty on finally getting their vitality and life back!
The Root Of Our Health
Solo - How To Get Peace Back Into Our Lives
How to bring out peace:
- Mindfulness and Meditation especially loving kindness meditation or metta: Practice mindfulness to stay present. Meditation can help calm the mind and reduce stress.
- Simplify Your Life: Declutter your physical and mental space. Focus on what truly matters and let go of unnecessary obligations.
- Set Boundaries: Learn to say no and protect your time and energy. Establishing healthy boundaries can help reduce stress.
- Connect with Nature: Spend time outdoors. Nature can be incredibly grounding and restorative.
- Cultivate Gratitude: Keep a gratitude journal to remind yourself of the positive aspects of your life.
- Nurture Relationships: Surround yourself with supportive people. Positive social connections can enhance your sense of peace.
- Engage in Hobbies: Spend time doing activities you love. This can provide a creative outlet and relieve stress.
- Practice Self-Care: Prioritize your physical and emotional well-being. Exercise, eat well, and get enough sleep.
- Limit News Consumption: Set specific times to check news or updates. Avoid constant exposure to political content, which can be overwhelming and can contribute to stress and anxiety.
- Engage Thoughtfully: Participate in discussions with friends and family who share your values, but try to avoid heated debates. Respect differing opinions.
- Focus on What You Can Control: Concentrate on actions you can take, like voting and engaging in community initiatives, rather than worrying about the outcome.
- Stay Informed, Not Overwhelmed: Choose reliable sources of information and avoid sensationalist media.
- Engage in Community: Focus on local issues and initiatives that matter to you. Getting involved can foster a sense of purpose.
- Take Breaks: Step away from political discussions or social media when needed to recharge.
- Reflect on Your Values: Remind yourself of your core beliefs and values. This can help you stay centered amidst external noise.
- Udo Urasmus Episode: https://bit.ly/udourasmusepisode139
Website: https://functionalhealthcoaching.net/
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Solo - How To Get Peace Back Into Our Lives 2
Hello and welcome to the Root of Our Health podcast. I am your host, Elizabeth. It is such a pleasure to have you here. Thank you so much for being here. This episode is coming out on of all days Election Day, and I felt that of course I need to put something out there for this day because this is a very, very monumental, so to speak, day in the country. And when I thought about what I was going to be talking about, the first thing that came up are the first word actually that came up is peace. We need peace right now. It's it's within us. And how to get back to peace. This is what I want to talk about in today's episode. Um, so I wanted first start out by saying that I was actually asked what I do to not let the animosity stewing around affect my life. And this is actually what I'm going to be talking about and discussing with you all today. I am going to be going through several ways on how you can get peace back into your life. Now, when I thought about this topic, like I said, I was like that word came up piece when I thought about it. I actually did an interview with a man named Udo Erasmus, and actually he was on twice. I will link both of those up in the show notes, but he actually went into great detail and excellent job on talking about how peace is within us, and literally how we lost it along the way. So I wanted to continue on with that thought in this episode. So going forward and understanding that we are actually spiritual human beings, we were born with a blank slate right, right out of the womb. We were born with a blank slate. As a spirit in a meat suit. Literally. Now, I know a lot of people can't grasp this. They're like, yeah, that's a little woo woo. But just think about it, right? Yes, we are biological. There are a lot of things happening inside us, of course, but at the end of the day when we when and again whatever you, whatever you, um, believe in, I believe in that when we die, so to speak, let's just lack of a better word. And this life, we are not our souls and our spirit is either. Wherever it is, right? It's not. We are not our bodies. We are a spirit. So there we got to understand that, um, but when we. So our childhood upbringing, right, our traumas, our experiences, our environment, our learnings, all of this shaped us, shaped our thoughts, these shaped our perspectives, shaped our values and ultimately shaped our personality. I am saying all of this because at the end of the day, we are here to be the best human beings we can be. I, I feel that we are here to. We are good people. We are ultimately, at the end of the day, mostly. I want to say 90% of us are good people now. Those who are not good probably have some childhood traumas, okay? And we're not going to get into this into that. In this episode. I'm going to keep this straight and on the on the path right here. Um, but again, somehow, somewhere we got lost along the way. And in my opinion, it has a lot to do with our ability, our infatuation of groupthink. It is also have a lot to do with fear, with trusting the wrong people and not even trusting yourself. So that is again, where we we went awry. It's not saying, okay, I trust what I know and question the status quo. Whatever it is, it is. Yes, I am on this train because this person said this and therefore it is right. So trust yourself. Question every single thing. And yes, it may seem like you have a tinfoil hat on, whatever the case may be. Question. But this podcast or this episode, I really just want to hone it in, hone it in, because I am terrified, regardless of who wins, of how this is going to affect our country. I want this message out there. Let's come together on this day and days going forward, and let's bring the peace that is inside of us, out into the world, regardless of how we feel. Because all of this is based on feeling. It's not based on logic. None of our reactions. That's going to happen November 5th, sixth, seventh, whatever that is. None of that is based on a un on logic. It's based on emotion. So that is why I want this episode to be talked about. Piece about what we can do to bring that piece out and not be in emotional state. So the first thing that we can do, and these are just many ways, these are many ways that you can do this right. The first and foremost, and again, I'm assuming that if you're here you're listening to this, watching this, the root of our health alternative health and wellness. You understand that meditation and mindfulness is in this bucket, right? I talk about it a lot. And so you're you're understanding that it does have scientific proof of helping, regardless of what you are there to meditate on today's meditation and mindfulness, and I'm kind of putting out there is what we call loving kindness meditation or meta meditation. This is where you are there, you know, obviously. Bringing the love into those who, um, are close to you. Family, friends. You kind of know, you know, very, uh, person that you see the grocery store a lot. You say hello. Um, those that you do not like and then yourself. So the those you do not like. And I don't want to say you do not like it. That's maybe not the right phrase, but those that you have a hard time getting along with, right? We want to extend the love out to no matter who that person is. You don't hate. Hate is is is is not right in any in any aspect. Hate is not good. So we want to start with the mindfulness and meditation that loving kindness meditation staying present. Right. So staying present we can help the mind to reduce stress to calm. Breathe. This is what we need to do. We need to breathe more people. We can't be emotional over here. All right, so this another way. Another way is simplify your life. Right. This could be physically. Could be mentally decluttering. And from what you know today really is mental declutter. Focus on what truly matters and let go of the unnecessary obligation. This next one is kind of tie in to that second one. Set boundaries. This is November. November. Learn to say no and protect your time and energy. So establishing the healthy boundaries can again reduce the stress, the unwanted, the ick. Like I can't hang around with these toxic people. I'm saying no to things and people that are going to, um, set me back. You know. Not. So it's taking it's bringing out the IC in me, the not so nice person in me, where you can say yes to things that uplift you, that bring you to a higher being. Connect with nature is another way we've been having and I don't know where you're listening in in the world. This is definitely, um, not just in the US. So if you are listening outside of the US, I'm sure you're understanding what's going on in the US. Uh, November 5th. So. But in wherever you are in the world, in the United States, really? Um, it's been unseasonably warm now. We had great weather in terms of fall, um, the beginning and mid of October, then turning into kind of summer ish. But I'm going to put a little bit of a, um, you know, I actually went on a mini vacation, so to speak, 2 to 3 day. Um, and I spent my time and I again, I am not used to this. I spent my time out in quiet, in nature. Beautiful foliage. Foliage, right. Beautiful fall colors. And literally sat by. Not a huge lake, but literally just sat there and stared. Quiet. Walked. Height was in nature. It was amazing. It was the piece that I am needed and I'm sure that everybody needs. So get out there if you can. If you're in a city, make some time to kind of go into, you know, an area that does have a forest or that does, you know, you can hike, get out in nature, it is ultimately going to help bring that peace out, and it's going to ground you. It's going to restore you. Um, it it's just going to be what you actually need at this time. Cultivating gratitude is another way. When you are grateful for what you have, how can you, like be angry? Right. When you are grateful for what you have, you get more of it. When you are grateful for the you know what we have in this country. Instead of saying, oh my gosh, looking at the other side and being like this person, you know, so and so, but if you're grateful for the, you know, again, whatever we have in this country that you're grateful for it, just list it out. Keep a gratitude journal. Remind yourself of the positive aspects of not only your life, but really ultimately what we have here in the country. Because it is not all doom and gloom. It is not all like, you know, wrong, right, this and that. So look at it from another perspective. Look at what we have. And then, you know, basically it could help you obviously. Just, you know, be on the the positive side. Surround yourself with supportive people. This is this is ultimately the most important part. No, I shouldn't say most important. They're all very, very important. But we got to understand positive people. There are so many, so much negativity going around here. If you have a negative Nelly next to you, leave. Leave. I don't care if it's your best friend. Say adios. I can't do this right now. You're bringing me down. Okay, you can still be friends. But at this time, this moment, you can't. So surround yourself with supportive people. Positive social connections can enhance your sense of peace. Okay, so I'm not saying, like like things like, there are those that are out there and we'll get I'll get to this in just a second. But there are those out there that are okay. I have friends that are not on the same side, so to speak, is me. But we get along. We love each other. Love each other as friends. Like it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. So surround yourself with supportive people. We support each other regardless. Again, we are human beings. We are spiritual beings. We are not what what is out in the world. Okay? Engage in hobbies. Please, please, please, please engage in those hobbies. Get off of social media. Go out there, have fun. Movement, movement and and exercise has been shown to increase endorphins. You want the endorphins. You want the feel good stuff. Don't numb out. Don't drink. Okay. Don't drink. Don't, you know, do activities that that bring you down. These things you want to engage in, hobbies and activities that you love gravitate towards that it can provide provide a creative outlet. Again, relieve stress. That's what we're here for. Practice self-care. Okay, we talk about this a lot. And and I actually see that self-care is actually been, um, this stigmatized a lot still out there being like, well, I either I don't have time. Um, I get it there. Sometimes I need to open up my schedule a little bit more than I should that I've been doing for self-care. But I understand that it is important to take care of yourself. So prioritize your physical and your emotional well-being. Exercise again. Eat well. Get enough sleep. Hopefully what's going on in the world is not affecting your sleep. Because if it is we we got to. Yes, those other, um, these tips actually can help. So we gotta prioritize you first limit news consumption. And this is another way that we can, you know, get better sleep, right? And practice self-care. Limit the news consumption. At all. Now you can set specific times to check news and updates kind of here and there, blips here and there. But if you wake up and first thing in the morning, you turn on the news. If you go to sleep and lasting. Uh, before you go to bed is the news. And you have news on incessantly throughout the day. What do you think is happening to your brain? The news is not giving you all the positive things. It is feeding you all the Natalie negative things, but all the the violent things, all of the mostly. I'm not going to say all of it, but it is feeding you things that have either an agenda or that is misinformation or that is feeding, like just feeding you narratives to get you to watch it, to get you to be on that loop to feed you. It's toxic, just like you feed it yourself. Um, you know, the ultra processed foods. Watching the news is ultra processed, so it's toxic. It's getting you all ick inside. It's getting you, you know, stressed out and even metabolically, you're going to be affected by watching all of this. So limit or remove it. Now I personally again do not watch at all any new stations. I don't even hardly watch any TV. Hardly. Very, very seldom I listen to podcasts and I listen to podcasts and are not just one think. Ask questions, learn, educate. But obviously I listen to podcasts that are part of my values too, so we'll get to that in just a moment. And when you do watch news, try to avoid constant exposure to political content. This can be overwhelming, right? It can contribute to stress and anxiety. So you're hearing things and you're hearing this and you're hearing that and you're like, and you're getting angry. Getting angry already first thing in the morning you want to just like you're angry. And then what do you do. You take that throughout your day. You show up that way that that negativity again, the energy that you put out in the world, you get back. Think about that. You had this negative energy loop because you're watching this news and you're consuming all of this negative, um, biased information. What do you think is going to happen? The other thing that you could do to obviously bring peace because we again, we have peace inside of us. The other thing is to engage thoughtfully. Um, I'm going to bring this up. I actually posted something on Facebook and this was not. So of course, everybody knows the root of our health, right? I am a health coach. I my values are health and well-being in this world. I want this country to be healthy. Okay. We have so. And I've I've had this podcast before an episode before talking about how our food system, all of the things are making us not healthy. Right. So my whole thing, my understanding is I want to back somebody who is for health for this country. And yes, that was and that is RFK Jr. Right. Make America healthy again. Yes. I posted something on Facebook just about the Make America Healthy Again. I got unfriended by somebody who I thought. Um, you know, again, I a lot of, you know, Facebook friends. We're not friends. Facebook friends, quote unquote, loosely friends. There's a lot of them on there I'm not friends with. Um, but this one person unfortunately hung out before, you know, and it crushed me. So I reached out to this person, and I'm like, what? What's going on? Why unfriend me? Because I, I and I don't do this. I don't push it out there. I that was probably a handful, maybe up to five posts. And I posted about anything political anything. And it's and again, it's according to the health of this country staying in my lane in terms of the health. And this is what I believe in, right? We all of us believe in something. We have these values. And I was crushed. I was like, how? Why I did not. I don't go to other people's page. I don't see things and unfriend people and block them and all of this thing. The only time I do, if anything, is if somebody goes on my page once attacks me and then never, you know, participates in any of my other posts, that's the only time I unfriend and block people. But I don't do that. Don't you know? It's a matter of, let's listen to each other. Let's have the discussion, share your values, avoid the heated back and forth. We can respect each other. We have the different opinions. If we all had one opinion, you know how board boring this this country would be, and attacking another person for believing in what they feel is right. Or, you know, or unfriending somebody that you, you know, you have whatever the case may be, we're friends again. So in any case, the fact is we lost the debate. We lost the ability to say. Thank you for, you know, your opinion or thank you for sharing that. I understand where you're coming from or thank you for that. I don't see it that way. I don't understand it. Here's what I think. Um, but, you know, hey, we can get along, let's get along. But no, we're in this like we're going to. And it's just icky. I feel so gross. You know, being out here and listening to this. Sure. We get a fire it up when, you know, other people are like, oh, I'm going to vote for this person, and I'm going to vote for this person. And you're like, why? We don't understand the reason and the logic. Reason, not the emotional reason. Okay. Anyway, I'm moving on. Uh, so the the gist of that is respect different opinions. They're all opinions, right? This next one. Focus on what you can control. So concentrate on actions that you can take. Like you can vote, right. Engage in community initiatives. How do you want your community to be in in your values or reflect your values, rather than worrying and berating about the outcome? So how can you? What can you control in your life? How can you make that action? Instead of pointing fingers or berating or shouting or whatever it is? Okay, um, practice self-care again. Make activities or do things that you love reading, spending time with loved ones, creating a supportive environment, and then going back to surround yourself. We need that support system. Positive influences. Um, stay informed, not overwhelmed. This also goes to the um news time. Um. Choose reliable sources of information. Reliable. Fact based and you know who knows what that is nowadays because it's few and far between here. So, um, avoid sensationalist media. I'm not going to name them. I'm not going to name them, but just avoid it. Fact based fact base. Okay. Independent journalism I think is the way we need to go. Independent journalists, those who really want the answers, who don't care about the, you know, agenda, what's going on? Follow them, give them props. Let's here and let's let's have that discussion and that debate. Ask questions. Um, engage in the community again. How could you make your community? It starts with you. Focus on local issues. Bring that up to your state then. So it starts community state then country. Getting involved in your community can definitely foster a sense of purpose. Purpose is, um, you know, just basically helping you avoid that stress. Take breaks, step away from the political discussions. Like I said, um, social media, if somebody is talking about politics getting heated, you know, all of this stuff and you're bringing in like your logic, your logic reasoning and things are kind of not going that route. Walk away. It's okay. You don't have to not be friends. Just walk away. Again with social media. I have taken a break on Facebook. I've only posted in ghosted, so to speak. Um, because I'm still there for, uh, content and actually some fun, funny things. I like comedy humor and I post some humor humorous things. Keep it light. Last is reflecting on your values. So this is again, this is all based on your values. Remind yourself of your core beliefs and values so this can help you stay centered amidst the external noise okay. So we need to stay centered. We need to be focused on our values. But we can also understand what other people's values are too. Our values aren't always the right one. They're right for us. But let's hear what other people have to say logically. All right, so that is it. Again. You know, I really hope that this has helped you kind of understand that there are ways we have peace inside us. We are not monsters. We are not, you know. No, none of us, not even the politicians are monsters. They are human beings as well. It's just some people have gone, you know, a different direction. And we got to understand them as a human being. So let's just come together this day, these few days, these weeks, and understand that it is going to be okay. We are not going to die. You know, our our lives may it may affect some things in our lives, but we have gone through so many different politicians in our lives, right? Some good, some not so great. But again, is it how we show up is what dictates our life. So let's understand that and let's keep that going. All right I thank you. If you can please subscribe anywhere you're listening to share this around, you know, spread the love. Whatever you can do. Peace out. Thank you.