The Root Of Our Health
The Root Of Our Health with Elizabeth was born out of a need to educate and inspire the world in living a healthy life mentally, physically and emotionally by using alternative methods for prevention and healing. A combination of solo episodes and highly trustworthy professional guests who have been curated to bring extensive knowledge in science, results oriented methods and their own health journey. This podcast is for those in midlife and beyond who want to prevent age-related diseases or help to understand how to reverse conditions, and bust their mental wellbeing by getting to the root cause once and for all! Elizabeth is a Board Certified Health And Wellness Coach, a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach and an Employee Wellness Coach. She has her own health coaching business Functional Health Coaching with Elizabeth guiding clients over forty on finally getting their vitality and life back!
The Root Of Our Health
How To Use Biolectric Medicine For Central Sensitization, HRV And Anxiety With Guy Odishaw
Sponsor: Functional Health Coaching with Elizabeth - Book your free 20-30 min consultation today by going to https://calendly.com/therootofourhealth/20min and get started feeling alive again!
In this episode Guy discusses:
- First a recap of what he does in bioelectrical medicine
- How central sensitization to explain fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue or irritable bowel syndrome.
- Gives an example of bioelectrical medicine in central sensitization.
- Talks about Heart Rate Variability
- Gives an exercise for HRV
- Touches on Anxiety
And so so much more…
Guy's Bio:
Guy Odishaw, CTO, NFP, Healthcare Entrepreneur, Bioelectric Medicine Practitioner
Founder of Bhakti Wellness Center, one of the largest, most diverse, integrative medicine clinics in the country. Co-founder of the first integrative student health clinics in the country at the University of Minnesota. Cofounder of Bhakti Brain Health Clinic - Neuroimaging & Neuromodulation. Cofounder of Minnesota Bredesen Clinic - Dementia Prevention & Treatment Co-founder of CerebralFit Brain Training, a Nutraceutical, Electroceutical, company. Guy’s 30 years of clinical experience specializing in treatment resistant chronic pain, traumatic brain injury and psycho-emotional trauma informs his approach to brain health. Additionally, his 20+ years as meditation instructor and facilitator of courses on personal growth help him understand how to support clients through the potent changes arising from Neurotherapy. Brain training does not only alleviate unwanted symptoms it often also positively changes ones whole sense of self and relationship to the world around them.
- Website: https://cerebralfit.com
- IG: https://www.instagram.com/cerebralfit/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/guyodishaw/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cerebralfit
Website: https://functionalhealthcoaching.net/
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